
Don Dutton

Birmingham, Alabama, USA
Member since April 9th, 2011
I recently moved to alabama. ok maybe not too recent it was about 4 years ago. Me and my wife moved here

General Info

Fishing is my all time favorite thing to do but I also enjoy spending time with family and friends. doesnt really matter what we are doing as long as Im around them.
Favorite Fish to Catch
Rainbow Trout
Favorite Type of Fishing
The only type I have ever tried is spin rod
Water Type
Favorite Lures
hot dogs yes hot dogs
Fishing Rods
shakespeare firebird,
Fishing Reels
shakespeare firebird,
Fishing Techniques
fish live and cut bait for cats, topwater for bass and flys for trout
Favorite Fishing Spot
my all time favorite is Stone mountain but I havent fished there since I was a little kid so I would have to say its Five mile creek in fultondale
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Don Dutton's Latest Reports

it was a warm night (ok it was hot) just about dusk round 7:30 pm my borther and I decided to do a little cat fishin. Off to five mile we went not even 5 mins after getting there the cats were hitting and hitting hard. all total we ended up with bout 12 cats a couple bream and even a largemouth bass. So in my book I would say it was an awsome night on the mile. yea they may have been small but we dont keep them anyway we just do it for the sport. I would rather catch 20 1lb fish over 1 20lb any day. just the relaxation of being on the water is good for me.

Posted 13 years ago

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a hot spot for cats and bass lots of bream but always nice fishing.

Posted 13 years ago

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ok yall Ive made a hunded trips out to 5 mile creek then I learned about this site. Its my primary fishing spot me and my brother have been fishing it for a couple years now. after every rain the fishing seems to get better the more it rains the bigger the fish seem to get. Well after the recent tornado that still holds true. The bass are more abundent and the bream have gotten more agressive and bigger, and the cats WOW what can I say but holy cow we went a week ago I pulled up a 8-10 lb channel and my brother lost at least a 15 lb channel. The good spots arent easy to get to but hey its worth it. heading out again tomorrow. wont forget the camera this time lol

Posted 13 years ago

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catmandoo Rankings

Current Rank:

With 41 Total Points

Previous Ranks Achieved:

  • Swordfish Rank
  • Striped Bass Rank
  • Largemouth Rank
  • Smallmouth Rank
  • Panfish Rank
  • Rainbow Trout Rank
  • Brook Trout Rank
  • Baitfish Rank

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Below is where we list statistics for the number of reviews, comments, message board posts, etc. that this user has posted on all the Fish Finder sites. The higher total overall points a user has, the higher the user's ranking.

Total Trips: 3

Total Photos: 31

Total Hotspots: 2

Total Trip Reviews: 0

Total Trip Comments: 0

Total Location Reviews: 0

Total Location Comments: 0

Total Locations Added: 0

Total Locations Edited: 0

Total Message Board Posts: 3

Total Species Comments: 0

Total Species Recipes: 2

Total Species Edited: 0

Total Amenities Added: 0

Total Amenities Edited: 0

Total Overall Points: 41

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