

Somerville, Massachusetts, USA
Member since August 9th, 2009

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All I can say is what a crazy day we had. When we first got on the water and saw all the wind we thought it was really gonna be a tough day. We first went to a little cove we saw on the map thinking it would be protected from the wind. As soon as we got there and put down the trolling motor we were getting blown all over the place. I felt bad for Zach because he could barley make a cast without having to try and correct our position. After an hour of trying to fish it with no luck we decided to move on and find somewhere else. We fished our way along the shore still with no luck and fighting the wind, then we found a cove in the north east portion of the lake with a bunch of pads. The wind wasnt as bad so we decided to try there. After an hour or so Zach pulled in our first fish of the day, it was barely 12" but legal so we threw it in the livewell. Soon after Zach caught another a little bigger than the previous one. After that we fished for another hour with no action so we decided to try and move around the lake because maybe the wind had died down. Well we were wrong. The wind and boat traffic were such a pain in the ass for us, we ended up trying a few spots with no luck. We decided to go back to where we knew the wind was less and there were at least a few fish. Around 11:30 after being skunked all day and getting pretty anxious I finally hooked up and it was a nice fish around 3 1/2 lbs. A little while after that we saw a bunch of bait fish jumping out of the water, I threw my worm right in the middle of it and as soon as it sunk I felt my line tighten and I set the the hook hard. It ended up to be a 2lber, at this point we actually thought we might have a chance to get a limit. Around 1pm I caught another one about a 1 1/2lbs. We had our limit and considering how the day started we were pretty happpy about it. For the next 45 min or so we had nothing and I said we should head back soon to weigh in. Zach said 10 more casts each and we would roll. Well with 8 casts to go at about 1:50 I hear Zach say FISH ON!! I quickly grabbed the net and tried to get under it, I couldnt see anything because the sun was right in my eyes and I had dropped my sunglasses. I missed it a couple times but finally got it in the boat. I cant tell you how happy we were when we looked in the net and saw it was another nice 3+lber. We immediately got it in the livewell and headed back to the ramp. A last second lunker and a 2+lb cull, which we found out later put us over the top into 1st place, we couldnt believe it. We still were worried the landlords would come in with a huge bag, but fortunately for us they didnt. All in all it was a very up and down day, with the wind and all the other boat traffic it didnt look like it was gonna be good, but by the end of the day it turned out pretty awesome. Thanks to Johnny, Smoke, and everyone else for all their work as always, these tournaments always are a good time.

Posted 14 years ago

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The hawgheckler and I decided to do some after work fishing. We knew it was going to rain but so far this year rain has been productive. And we both felt this was going to be no exception. Got on the water around 6:30 and soon after the heckler was throwing a buzzbait around and got a vicious strike but it seemed she was just smacking it because no hook up. Soon after I got a nice strike on a jitter bug and landed a 2lb 3 oz LM. A little while later the heckler pulled in a 1lb 8oz LM on a senko. It was getting to be dark and almost 8:30 and we had no lights so we were about to wrap it up, I decided to make one more cast with a senko to some lilly pads. On the fall I felt a couple taps and pulled back a little and realized there was something there so I set the hook hard. Then the fun began, a 3 min battle ensued. My rod was bent over almost to the water and whatever was on the other end didn't want to come up. After about a minute I thought I was hooked up with some huge catfish because I never even saw the fish and whatever it was felt huge. Finally it stopped moving around so much so I started to pull it up. As I got it to the surface I still couldn't tell what it was there was a ton of vegetation covering it. As the heckler got the net under it I finally saw that beautiful sight of her white belly and lateral line and new it was a big LM. Finally got it on board and she weighed out at 4lbs 1oz. She fought like she weighed 10lbs, but still a good fish and the best fight I ever had. Nothing better than fishing for a couple hours after work and pulling in a few nice fish.

Posted 14 years ago

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With the Attitash tourney canceled, my partner and I still had the need to do some fishing. We decided to get out early and if we got a little wet so be it. Headed down to Lake Boone because it looked like they might have the least amount of rain. It ended up being one of the most productive days of fishing ever. It was raining slightly when we got there but not bad and we had rain gear so we didn't care. Got a couple 1 1/2lb bass in the first hour or so and then they started getting really active. It seemed like every other cast we were getting nibbles or we would see our line move off. They were hitting everything from senkos to crankbaits. In the end we caught somewhere between 25-30 bass and a few pickerel. We lost count after 20. We also missed probably another 15-20 fish because a lot of them weren't committing to it. Most of the bass were 1 1/2lbers but it was a lot of fun. We did catch a few 2+ lbers. The one in the pic only weighed 2lb 10oz, we both though it would definitely be over 3 but the scale never lies. After the initial rain we had great weather, it was overcast and very comfortable temp wise. Nothing huge on the day but overall a lot of fun. Lake Boone seems to allows produce whether it be a nice lunker or just a lot of fish.

Posted 14 years ago

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Got the invite for some after work fishing Tue night, knew it was gonna rain but thought not until later. I hadnt been out in over a week so decided to make the trip up. Well, I sat it traffic for an hour on 95 which was fun, then it started to drizzle when I got there. But I was just glad to get on the water. The guys had already been fishing for a little while, they pulled in some nice pickerel one about 2 lbs. I caught a small non keeper in the first 1/2 hour but I didnt care at least it was something, the trip was already worth it. As the rain started to get heavier we moved down the river and I threw out my Spook and walked it back to the boat. About 10 ft from the boat I stopped it and after a couple seconds it got crushed. She dove deep and didnt want to come up, thought she was gonna wrap the trolling motor, luckily the boys were quick to grab the net and we landed her. Flopped around on the scale a bit but finally weighed out at 3.4lbs. Definitely my biggest on the Concord. A good tue night I must say.

Posted 14 years ago

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Went out on the Mystic last Sun for a couple hours before it got dark. Decided to strictly fish the Jig I was determined to finally catch a bass on one. Dropped one into a submerged tree and wham a bass hit it on the first drop. Horsed him out over the cover and got him in the boat. Weighed out at 2 1/2 lbs. Caught another one on the jig a half hour later only a pound. Also caught a one on a spook also a pound. All in all a good couple hours of fishing for a Sunday night.

Posted 15 years ago

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Been fishing here about 8 times this year, fished all types of lures topwater, plastics, spinnerbaits. Only caought 3 fish total. All on topwater and at night, nice little pond but the fishing isnt great. If anyone has tips for Martins let me know.

Posted 15 years ago

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