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"Get Hooked on Missouri"

Missouri River Comments

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User: vinny60
Comment: Anglers with either a valid Kansas or Missouri fishing license may fish any flowing portion and backwaters of the Missouri River and any oxbow lake through which the river flows.They may fish from and attach any legal fishing equipment to the land adjoining these waters. Limitations: Tributaries of the Missouri may not be fished without a valid fishing license from the state through which the tributary flows. If any law or regulation governing fishing in the Missouri River is different from the corresponding law or regulation in the state for which the angler has a license, the more restrictive state’s law or regulation will apply. Each angler must keep all legally caught fish restrained separately from any other angler. Bow and arrow or crossbow with a barbed head and a line attached are legal only from sunrise to midnight. Each angler may use three fishing lines. In addition, each angler may use one trotline with no more than 25 hooks OR eight setlines with no more than two hooks each. LENGTH LIMITS Black Bass: 12-inch minimum Paddlefish: 24-inch minimum DAILY CREEL LIMITS Black Bass: 5 Channel and blue catfish (single species or in combination): 10 Crappie: 30 Flathead catfish: 5 Paddlefish: 2
Date: 09/08/09 10:13 PM

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