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"Get Hooked on Missouri"

Poormans Fishing Group

Group Info:

Name:  Poormans Fishing Group


This is a group for those of us who do not have a boat and have to buy cheap rods and reels from walmart. I share your pain, lets unite!!!


We are now 3. WOO HOO! Thanks.
Please help us grow.Just say yes.


Glenn Helm

Glenn Helm

Brian alves

Jayson Moore

Brett Andersen

Christopher grandmaison

Troy Fernandes

Tony H


Nicholas Zarvis

M DeLauro

Ian Rhein

You must be a member in order to add messages to this discussion.


07/02/12 09:39 PM
im new to this site and i am for sure a poor fisherman.

12/20/10 01:34 AM
Hey guys . . I'm 4 sure a poorman fisherman . . lol . . I don't have a boat and use the cheapest rods and reels . . and still catch more fish I belive then most guys with high dollars stuff . . Glad to join and look forward to hearing more from this group . . .

08/09/10 01:42 PM
it's tough being a shore angler here in MA - there are soooo many spots with either poor or no access for us... years ago I used to fish out of a float tube & caught LOTS of fish, it's sooo stealthy! I'm gonna get one again.

05/25/10 07:00 PM
Don't ever give it up then. this site needs a boost of energy or something. I am totally surprised by the quietness of it. I still check it out pretty often. I have been using it to keep an online journal so I can plan all my trips for the following year.

05/19/10 06:47 PM
no giving that old 68 boat away... the engine alone is worth it..

04/24/10 09:11 PM
xchef95x....You are buying the bass boat, right? I need to check out some salt water fishing again someday. Have a great season in 2010.

01/19/10 01:20 PM
we are up to 5... holy crap, thats enough people that we'd need another bass boat to fish off of.

01/03/10 09:30 PM
Happy New Years.Winter is here , I am ready for spring fishing already. I thought about trying ice fishing to get it out of my system. I am also considering making lures to pass the time.

08/10/09 09:16 PM
I just got a small jon boat from craigs list . 10 ft. Sea King aluminum. Not too big not too small. Just right. For now.

07/06/09 06:55 PM
Hi fellow Po- Folk . My name is Brett Andersen. I have had to fish on foot my whole life , there is a method and I have caught great fish from shore. I know there are others like me out there, now you can share your advice and woes in one place. Join today , there is strength in numbers. Thanks and good luck.

Misc Info

Group Created By:

Date Established:
Jul 06, 2009

Type: Public
Visibility: National
# Members: 12
Views: 31193

Join This Group

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